On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 07:04:51AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
| On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 15:37:45 -0400
| > The default setting for 'background' is "light".  If you use a
| > terminal with a dark background, also run 
| > :set bg=dark
| Now if only there was a way to get the same color set between vim and gvim.

There probably is.

| That always boggled me.  I haven't installed or altered the default
| color sets

I haven't either, except for this gvim setting :

    highlight Normal guibg=black guifg=grey90

to make the background black and the foreground lighter like my xterm
already is.

| for terminal or GUI yet they are different.  I like the defaults
| for the terminal.  You'd think the GUI would match for consistency.  :/

One difference between the environments is a terminal is limited to at
most 8 or possibly 16 colors (I don't remember which).  Given that
limitation, some things such as tags and comments in XML files end up
with the same color.  Also quoted text in emails is all one color.
Since gvim has more colors available to it, the tags and comments in
XML become different shades of blue (which really is much nicer) and
quoted text in emails is a different color based on the depth of the
quoting (which is neat too).

At any rate, if you prefer something different then you can look
through the manual and see how to choose different colors for
different things.


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