On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 00:27 +0000, Philistine wrote:
> I'm looking for a music player in Debian with some features, I
> did not yet find in the ones I tried (alsaplayer, beep,
> mp3blaster, quodlibet, rhythmbox, zinf). I did not try banshee
> ("55.2 MB of additional disk space will be used") nor amarok
> ("124MB..."). What I would like to see:
> - most important: changing the speed without changing the pitch
> - using a second output or sound card for "pre-listening"
> - cross-fading
> - search by artist/title/genre and by ranking
> - nice to have: keeping track of intro/extro sequences
> - UI: GTK+ or plain terminal preferred


As you have some quite specific requirements, try looking for plugins to
add this functionality to one of the players. I believe at least xmms
and beep-media-player have lots of plugins available. 

As for using the second output or a second sound card, I think this can
be done with some ALSA trickery. 

Sven Arvidsson
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