On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 13:11 +0000, Philistine wrote:
> Thanks to Sven Arvidsson! I found the plugins SndStretch for
> xmms and Scizzor for both xmms and beep. Both are not packaged.
> They are easily compiled and at least SndStretch works fine.
> There is also a crossfade plugin for xmms in Debian. The
> drawback here is, that I'm not compatible with the UI of XMMS.
> It looks like a burlesque of a car radio, not like a normal
> program as e.g. rhythmbox.


I know exactly what you mean. The UI of XMMS was one of the things that
made me go looking for another player, years ago.

My favourite is Rhythmbox, but it doesn't have all the features you

- Cross-fading is a work in progress. See

- I don't know of a plugin to change pitch. But there seems to exist
GStreamer plugins for this (the backend for Rhythmbox) so presumably
this functionality could be added. Maybe you could file it as a wishlist
plugin for Rhythmbox?

Sven Arvidsson
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