On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 04:35:22PM -0500, Michael Pobega wrote:
> Using icedove at the moment, can you suggest to me a better mail client 
> to use for mailing list *and* personal email on the same account? (I 
> have Icedove/Thunderbird set to filter out all mail with 
> @lists.debian.org to my Debian mailing list folder, and then from there 
> automatically sort which mailing list it's from.)
Personally, I like mutt.  I started out with T-bird back when it was at
version 0.5 or 0.6, before it was even packaged for Debian.  However,
the lack of a decent list-reply feature (among many other things) made
me take a good hard look at mutt.  I also like mutt's extreme
flexibility.  My chief complaint is that IMAP support is a little bit
less well integrated than I would like.  Other than that it is great.
It also lets me ssh in from pretty much anywhere and have access to my
mail the same way no matter what.

If you are interested in a GUI mailer, then sylpheed-claws, kmail or
Evolution might also work for you.  I also tried out gnumail.app and
really liked it.  The advantage of T-bird is that if you require access
to your mail (e.g., via IMAP) from different hosts with different
operating systems, then you can get the same config/interface
everywhere.  Of course, if you are able to run an ssh server on your own
machine, then mutt or any other text MUA will get you essentially the
same thing.

Also, MUA wars are like text editor wars, database wars, and so on.
Everyon has a favorite and can cite tons of reasons that one is the best
and all others are no good.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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