On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 10:43:32PM +0100 or thereabouts, Mathias Brodala wrote:
> Hello Michael.
> Michael Pobega, 06.02.2007 22:35:
> > Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

> > Using icedove at the moment, can you suggest to me a better mail client
> > to use for mailing list *and* personal email on the same account?
> You don???t need another client since Thunderbird/Icedove has an extension[0]
> which enables you to reply to list only. I???m using it for a long time now. 
> Don???t
> worry about the patch mentioned on the site, it???s already in Debian???s
> Thunderbird/Icedove package[1].

Speaking of which, I noticed on Bugzilla last week, that someone had made
the 'reply to list extension' for T-Bird that doesn't require the use of
other extensions <ie> Meneghy  (sp?). About time. The old extension of
which you speak, required other extensions to be installed in order to

The only thing I use Thunderbird for these days is reading RSS feeds,
which it's quite good at. I only wish there was a patch for mutt to do
this via w3m.

Stephen A.
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