On Sun, Feb 11, 2007 at 09:44:08PM +0100, Joe Hart wrote:
> [...] and my memory isn't what it used to be.  I find myself having to 
> look back to ensure that I keep names consistent.  Can't very well have 
> Kathy do something then have Karmen say later that she did it.  It would 
> probably help to keep index cards, but I am far to lazy.  My best 
> writing comes off the cuff.
> [...]

So this sounds perfectly like a job for LaTeX and VIM. LaTeX for
reasons mentioned by others. I'd go pretty much agree what Roberto
wrote on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 15:35:48 -0500.

And since you need to remember words already typed this sounds like
the job for the insert completion of VIM. Once set up you can
type in the beginning of a name and then hit tab (or CTRL-X_CTRL-N
should be the default) it will complete the word similar to
bash completion. The actual Etch version of VIM also opens up a
"popup" menu with alternatives if there a more than one possibilties. 
Another way would be to define abbreviations like ':abreviate actor1
Kathy'. So you would not need to remember the actual name and save you
from looking back in the document.

Prove me wrong, but AFAIK no WYSIWYG word processor can do that (not
*that* easy). 

But if one never used VI(M) it can be hard to get you going, but the
more one uses it, the more the productivity increases. And I think
the upper limit of productivity is far beyond WYSIWYG, because you
need not check how it looks (that's LaTeX's job ;). Just take care 
the content is right with a little help from the editor.

Just my 2ยข

Marcus Blumhagen

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more
violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move
in the opposite direction."
                                                      -- Albert Einstein

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