Wackojacko wrote:
Joe Hart wrote:
This computer boots strait into KDE because the installer put in the
init scripts to start kdm.  (I used bootcheat: install tasks="standard,
kde-desktop").  If I upgrade something like Xorg (which I did earlier
today from sid), all I do is open a tty and login, then type
"/etc/init.d/kdm stop" and that stops X, then I start it up again with
/etc/init.d/kdm start, log out and go back to X.

Why not use Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. Much quicker. (you could also use /etc/init.d/kdm restart from the console to save a little typing :) )


Because you want to follow this sequence of events:

# /etc/init.d/kdm stop
# apt-get update         # this could be done before kdm stop
# apt-get upgrade        # changes to X/KDE/... may happen here
# apt-get dist-upgrade   # or, again, here (if you do this step)
# /etc/init.d/kdm start

Changes made to any of the installed windowing packages won't cause strange/weird problems for the window system since it restarts with all the new stuff in place.


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