Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> You are apparently confused.  Whether *you* choose to admit it or not,
> God is control.  I am not, you are not, the false gods in which many
> choose to believe are not.  The God of the Bible is.

    We rest our case.

> That is not a contradiction.  The Genealogy of Christ is *not* foolish.
> Trusting in your own genealogy to give you salvation *is* foolish.

    Uhm, the genealogies in question were not of Jesus.  But hey, if you want
to talk about his Genealogy I have a question, where did Cain's wife come
from?  Just asking.

> Welcome to the age of grace:

    Sorry, already addressed this.  Jesus already said God's law is perfect
and unless you follow his laws, all of them, you do not get into heaven.
Cherry picking does not get you around that.

> Again, read the scriptures before you spout off about things and look
> foolish in front of everyone.

    Please, you read them.  Most people who admonish others to read them have
not themselves read most of them.

> I guess the word dispensation doesn't mean anything to you?

    What I believe is irrelevant.  What *you* believe is because you are the
one that said if the Bible says it, you believe it.  The bible says to kill
those who break the sabbath.  So, again, how many have you killed today.
We're running out of time.

> His point was that we cannot make ourselves righteous. 

    And here I thought the lord could nod dissemble.

> I'm guessing that you don't believe in the laws of thermodynamics then?

    I do within a certain frame.  Remember, Newtownian Physics worked fine
until Einstein came along.  And there is the difference between religion and
science; Religion thinks it has all the answers and refuses to look.  Science
knows it doesn't and continues to look and disprove itself.  Which is why
we're on this threadline at all.  As a Theist you believe you know all the
answers.  I know I don't and I know you don't, either.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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