Ron Johnson:
> On 03/22/07 08:18, Jochen Schulz wrote:
>> Ron Johnson:
>>> On 03/22/07 08:03, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
>>>> To make it start up as user, edit your crontab (use `crontab -e`) and
>>>> put '@startup fetchmail' (no quotes in either case).  Then, whenever
>>>> your machine starts up, it should start fetchmail for you.
>>> Shouldn't it also put a symlink in /etc/rc3.d ?
>> No. Things in crontabs are started by cron (d'ouh!). And cron itself is
>> already started by an init script.
> I think you're wrong.  My system does fetchmail startup using runlevels.

Yes, mine does that, too. But: if every user needing fetchmail has a
.fetchmailrc and the crontab entry mentioned above (minus the typo), you
do not need the system-wide daemon. That's the situation I was referring
to (and which I quoted).

If your /etc/fetchmailrc is empty anyway, you can edit
/etc/default/fetchmail to disable the system-wide fetchmail daemon
altogether. This solution has the advantage, that every user can manage
his/her own POP accounts (without the admin knowing their passwords),
but the disadvantage is that you have a fetchmail process for every

We are lining up to see you fall flat on your face.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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