Michael Pobega wrote:
> I don't see how I'm biased. I personally dislike Ubuntu,

    Yeah, and you can't figure out where the bias comes from?

> There's no need for you to be so hostile, I'm not being hostile.

     I'm not being hostile, just getting tired of your arrogance.  You claim
for all people that Debian is easier to use, then go on to state that 75% of
Ubuntu users have a problem /with no proof/ and when called on it decide to
revert that empirical claim to one of opinion.

> Keep in mind Ubuntu is using the same system as Debian, but not using
> it the way it was meant to be used. Which is why Ubuntu debs don't
> work on Debian and vice-versa (For the most part).

    Er, mainly its from name changes more than anything else.

> But I will stop arguing here because I realize that your last email
> shows your level of knowledge and education, and I understand that you
> can't carry on a conversation without swearing at the other party if
> they don't agree with you.

    Uh, excuse me?  First off, there was no swearing.  Second of all why would
I go and refute what you've already backpedaled on.  I was just calling your
backpedal for what it is.  Maybe if you could debate with facts instead of
insinuation we'd have some basis to argue on.  But so far you're quite short
on facts and when people call you on it quite large on arrogance.

> And if you're representative of the level
> of maturity that is packaged with the Ubuntu distribution and it's
> community then I really feel sorry for their forums; Because I've
> never found a community as smart and mature as the Debian community.

     And to think, I've been using Debian for 10 years and participating in
this community for just as long.  Maybe you should look in the mirror to see
where the problem is because if you think I'm an Ubuntu user just wandering in
your far more ignorant than you take me for.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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