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Andrei Popescu wrote:
> Jim Hyslop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>attacks against Linux. Linux may be a much more robust and secure
>>system than Windows, but there are probably still security holes
>>lurking that nobody (at least, no honest person) has yet discovered
>>and patched.
> This is Microsoft FUD.

Hey, watch where you sling your insults there, buddy! :-)

Seriously, though, it's not FUD to point out that no system can possibly
be perfect. That's all I was saying.

If I had immediately followed with some outrageous claim that Windows is
better and has fewer security holes because <insert some stupid reason>,
*THEN* you could accuse me of spreading FUD.

> Think about Apache, (by far) the most widely
> used web server, but its resistance to attacks has not decreased.
That's not what I was getting at. As the popularity of Linux increases,
so will the number of attackers looking for vulnerabilities. As good as
it is, Linux (or any software package, for that matter) is not perfect.
The more attackers there are, the greater the likelihood that previously
unknown exploits will be discovered. This is completely independent of
the software's resistance to attack.

> In fact, having a large userbase can help find the problems faster. The
> willingness to fix them and actually applying the patch (which is in
> the hands of the users) is what really counts.

I hadn't considered that side of the equation. Thanks for pointing it out.

- --
Jim Hyslop
Dreampossible: Better software. Simply.     http://www.dreampossible.ca
                 Consulting * Mentoring * Training in
    C/C++ * OOD * SW Development & Practices * Version Management
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