Andrei Popescu wrote:
Peter Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The GUI I referred to is gnome, desktop, preferences, screen
resolution. Took your advise and attempted to reconfig by running
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg outside of the desktop environment
(ctrl alt F1). It stalled at the second screen but I managed to
escape out (3 attempts).

What do you mean by stalled? Anyway, you have to restart Xorg for any
changes to be applied, so it might help if you do it with Xorg shut
down. If that doesn't work you can still edit xorg.conf by hand or run
'dexconf' to generate a new (and hopefully better) one.
dpkg-reconfigure is generally better for upgrades, especially with a
standard setup like yours.
From your xorg.conf:
Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Generic Video Card"
        Driver          "vesa"
This is not a problem, but "nv" might be better.

        BusID           "PCI:1:5:0"
You don't need to specify this, it will be autodetected. You can just
comment it out or leave blank when prompted by debconf.


Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "Generic Monitor"
        Option          "DPMS"
        HorizSync       28-64
        VertRefresh     43-60
This looks like your problem. You already have the correct values to
put here ;)


Thanks problems sorted, its very re-assuring to know that newbies like me can get such speedy help. :)



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