I'm re-gathering what everyone has said so far.  Here's my list so
far.  But there are still a couple missing (chmod/chown) and others
I'm not 100% sure of (lilo, passwd, chroot).

named = name-dee
pxe = pixie
Debian = deb-ee-un
bind = bynd (like find or whined, not like bindy or windy)
lilo = lie-lo or ??
SQL = ess-cue-ell or sequel
MySQL = My-ess-cue-ell
PostgreSQL = post-gress-cue-ell
FAQ = eff-ay-cue or fak
etc = et-see
usr = user
lib = libb (short i, like LIBerty, not like LIBrary)
proc = prock
init = inn-it
daemon = dee-mon or day-mon (http://foldoc.org/?daemon says /dee'mon/
was the original way)
kde = kay-dee-ee
gnu = guh-new
gnome = guh-nome
vi = vee-aye
passwd = password or ??
irc = i-r-c
chroot = shroot (like SHould), cheroot (like CHErry)
chmod = ??
chown = ??

Thanks guys,

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