I was following a tutorial (http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/system/kernel-pkg.html) for 
compiling a custom kernel, and got to the stage where it said to run this: "fakeroot 
make-kpkg clean"

However, this command generated a bunch of errors saying this:
dpkg-architecture: failure: dpkg --print-installation-architecture filed: 
Permission denied

Now it's easy enough to see that only root has execute permission for dpkg on my machine. 
I guess I'm just wondering what a "reasonable way" to fix this problem is in 

1. Create a new group for people allowed to run dpkg?
2. Run the command as "sudo fakeroot make-kpkg clean"? (sort of makes the whole 
fakeroot thing redundant?)
3. Something else?

Please someone who rolls their own kernel give me an idea about this?


P.S. I'm still using the venerable Sarge release.

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