On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 01:31:59AM +0300, Semih Gokalp wrote:
> Thanks Sven for reply.
> My freshclam cron files like below:
> 8 */1 * * *    clamav [ -x /usr/bin/freshclam ]
> i only removed  "&& /usr/bin/freshclam >/dev/null" so cron is still
> running.

The *cron* is still running. But the job doesn't *do* anything... All it 
has is one command: to test whether /usr/bin/freshclam is executable or 

The "&& /usr/bin/freshclam" bit you removed was the bit actually doing 
the work...

> I looked syslog and its contain the fallowing message:
> May 13 00:08:01 server /USR/SBIN/CRON[1644]: (clamav) CMD ([ -x
> /usr/bin/freshclam ])
> it is update virus database ? or am i think wrong ? and if i make this,what
> kind of harm to my system ?

Nope. this doesn't do anything.  But obviously cron is blissfully 
unaware of this - it just executes the commands, and tells you that in 
the log...

Karl E. Jorgensen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.jorgensen.org.uk/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://karl.jorgensen.com
==== Today's fortune:
Three o'clock in the afternoon is always just a little too late or a little
too early for anything you want to do.
                -- Jean-Paul Sartre

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