Thanks Sven and Karl for explain and solved problem.

I changed freshclam cron file like below:

8 */1 * * *    clamav [ -x /usr/bin/freshclam ] && /usr/bin/freshclam
/dev/null 2&>1

and i dont receive mail anymore.

I created cron file for test  like below:

*/1 * * * * root /bin/mkdir /home/cron2 >/dev/null

if doesnt exists cron2 directory,Directory was created and mail wasnt sent
to me by cron.
if exists directory,mail was sent to me about  "dont crate
directory.Fileexist"  by cron

if I do like below:

*/1 * * * * root /bin/mkdir /home/cron2 >/dev/null 2&>1

directory was created mail wasnt sent to me by cron even if directory exist
or not.

Thanks again.

Iyi calismalar.Basarilar...
Semih Gokalp

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