I have debian installed on my 160gb hdd.

[NOTE: this is the exact disk structure]
/ -> 7gb
swap -> 2.5gb
/home -> rest 144gb

now I feel, I could have used that space to install another linux OS for
testing/exploring. so i want to know, is it possible to resize "/home"
i want to make my hdd structure like this,

/ -> 7gb (root for current debian OS)
swap -> 2.5 gb (swap for both the OS)
/home -> 135gb (common for both OS)
second /-> 9gb (or whatever the size, for second OS's root)

I have an article, which describes how to install two linux OS with
common swap and home partition. but in that article, partitioning has
done while installing first OS, which I didn't.

So, can i resize my /home now to make space for second root.
or I have to reformat and do it again.

Arijit Sarkar
Kolkata, India
'Debian Testing' GNU/LINUX

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