On 07/14/07 08:39, Dennis G. Wicks wrote:
Douglas Allan Tutty wrote the following on 07/14/2007 08:08 AM:
On Sat, Jul 14, 2007 at 08:02:49AM -0500, Dennis G. Wicks wrote:
Seriously though, it is nice to be able to separate things by workspace
within a session, but I like to have a different sessions for root and similar functions that I don't want to get tangled up in my run-of-the-mill user stuff.

Why would you have root run gnome?  AFAIK, you should either use sudo or
su to become root for a specific application then exit.


Different strokes for different folks, Doug.

AFAIK, there is no rule I have to follow as to how I use root.

You need a command line for su or sudo and I don't want to
take the time to open a terminal window. And most of the things

Criminy, it takes less time to click on an xterm icon in your panel than it does to press Ctrl-alt-F8.

I do involve things that are more easily done with lists. And
I hate typing cd after cd after cd then a dozen file names.

Even my old standby command chain

    tar pcfl - . | ( cd <dir> ; tar xfp - )

is a lot easier and quicker with Nautilus and a mouse!

So make it into a little shell script.

Thanks for the comment though. At least you are reading the posts! ;-)

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
Hit him with a fish, and he goes away for good!

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