Adam wrote:

> Admittedly it wouldn't catch image spam advertising hot stocks, but it would
> certainly take out the others and seems to me to be a better bet than dynamic
> filters.

I remember that there was a ton of that not too long ago. There was
supposed to be
fiters that would try and get rid of that stuff, but I tried to get
them to work back when I had
mail going to my tsoft DSL account, but never got it to eliminate
those type of emails.

With a few "reliable" reporters (of the non-automated variety) one
could at least blacklist
the IPs of the senders, without necessarily triggering on the content.
As I recall, those
types of spams were mostly text embedded in some sort of graphics file
- something called
"fuzzy OCR" was supposed to be able to get it removed, but like I say,
I wasn't able to get that part to work.

Sometimes the automated spam reporting sites can be problematic (had
an issue a while back with one of them) but I don't know if filters mail through any automated spam reporting
site or not. My guess is that they would, though.

> Adam

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