El jue, 20-09-2007 a las 08:56 -0700, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum escribió:
> I see that Gnome 2.20 was just released. Im running Debian Etch, which
> still seems to be stuck on Gnome 2.14, even though 2.16 was released
> about a year ago and 2.18 since then.
> What are the plans for integrating more up-to-date versions of Gnome
> into Etch, or into later versions of Debian? I dont have any special
> needs but would rather up as up to date as possible with apps and
> setup and bug fixes.

Since Etch is now the stable distribution, it is frozen, which means
that no newer apps will enter it (except for security fixes). 
If you want more up-to-date apps you'd rather use Lenny, which is the
actual testing distribution. It has the advantage of being up-to-date
while keeping a good level of stability. It's meant for final users
(unlike stable, which is meant for servers)

If you want to have the last version of every program then you should
use Sid, which is always the unstable distribution... but, as you might
have guessed from the name, it's not very stable.

Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43

"The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no 
difference between theory and practice."

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