El jue, 20-09-2007 a las 19:52 +0200, Martin Marcher escribió:
> 2007/9/20, Gabriel Parrondo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > El jue, 20-09-2007 a las 08:56 -0700, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum escribió:
> > > I see that Gnome 2.20 was just released. Im running Debian Etch, which
> > > still seems to be stuck on Gnome 2.14, even though 2.16 was released
> > > about a year ago and 2.18 since then.
> >
> > Since Etch is now the stable distribution, it is frozen, which means
> > that no newer apps will enter it (except for security fixes).
> > If you want more up-to-date apps you'd rather use Lenny, which is the
> > actual testing distribution. It has the advantage of being up-to-date
> > while keeping a good level of stability. It's meant for final users
> > (unlike stable, which is meant for servers)
> no testing is not meant for end users, it's ment for testing!

OK, but I've been using testing for a long time now and haven't had any
problems, not even when I passed from etch to lenny.

I usually install/deinstall packages just for testing them, debianize
packages myself and install them, etc. and nothing got broken so far.

IMO, it's the distribution a final user would prefer.

Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43

"The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no 
difference between theory and practice."

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