On Wed, Aug 22, 2007 at 08:26:59AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
>     At first glance I am leaning for throwing Subversion on my main box so I
> can sync the other two machines off of it.  Not sure if there is something
> better suited to the task or that svn would be particularly ill suited.

I can't see any particular reason why svn (or any other RCS) would be
bad for documents, assuming they're plaintext (PDFs and OpenOffice/MS
Office/OpenDocument might be slightly more problematic, since they're
binary, but only relative to plaintext as svn and most other RCSs handle
binary perfectly adequately).

It's common practice for software projects to keep their documentation
in revision control along with the software, and for example IkiWiki
<http://ikiwiki.info/> (and I believe other wiki-type systems too) uses
RCSs as a backend for what is basically documentation (in this case a
website, but the file formats are basically the same).

Benjamin A'Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"To the person who ate the contents of the container labeled 'James' -
warning, it was my biology experiment" - from a note on a students' fridge.

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