Ron Johnson wrote:
>>     Tarballs don't sync across machines, they overwrite.  Also it's a matter

> I don't mean sync, I mean copy.

    I know what you meant.  But you are flatly ignoring my requirement for
syncing.  I make an edit on Machine A and toss-a-tarball onto whatever
machine(s) I decide.  Then I make an edit on Machine B and do the same.  Then
I remembered I had edits from machine A, pull them down and, whoops,
overwritten.  Toss-a-tarball works fine if you're working on a single machine
and want to just do a simplistic backup.  It falls apart when you add more
machines, maybe people, into the mix.  That's why version controls showed up
in the first place.

> What's wrong with toss-a-tarball?  Having yyyymmdd_hhmm in the file
> name is a perfectly valid method of keeping versions separate.

    See above.  Also you're presuming that the trees are going to be identical
on the multiple machines where they might not be.  So please, can you let it
go?  I have reasons why I don't want to go that route and don't feel like
arguing about it.  I stated my requirements, tarball doesn't even address most
of them, out of the picture.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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