On Saturday 06 October 2007 16:31, Nigel Henry wrote:
> On Saturday 06 October 2007 14:57, Florian Kulzer wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 20:50:46 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
> > > I've got realtime working on Etch, with a realtime kernel from the
> > > musix repo, along with rtirq, and schedutils as a dependency to rtirq.
> > > Saying that, rtirq doesn't appear to be running, but the chrt tool in
> > > schedutils has worked around the problem, and I have my soundcard set
> > > up with a prio of 90, and no, or nearly no xruns. Just one every 6m
> > > 25secs, and only of 0.250 msecs.
> > >
> > > Moving on to Lenny, and after a bit of googling, schedutils appears to
> > > now be merged into util-linux. I have util-linux installed, but looking
> > > at the installed files for it in synaptic, I don't see chrt, which is
> > > one of the old schedutils tools that I need to be able to set realtime
> > > priorities for the soundcard. In Etch chrt is in /usr/bin. Looking in
> > > Lenny, it doesn't exist.
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > > So, just how can I get a realtime kernel running on Lenny now that
> > > schedutils is no longer available?
> >
> > Having taken a quick look at the dependencies, I would think that you
> > can install Sid's current version (2.13-8) of util-linux on a Lenny
> > system. This one includes /usr/bin/chrt. (The problem is that Lenny is
> > still stuck at Etch's version of util-linux, which assumes that
> > schedutils is available as a separate package.)
> >
> > --
> > Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
> >           Florian
> Thanks for that Florian. I'd checked on Fedora 7's version of util-linux,
> and the old schedutils tools are there. The version on Lenny is 2.12r-19.
> I'll go for the later Sid version, and hope it installs ok.
> I'm still trying to find out why Marcos's rtirq from the musix repo is not
> being started. It appears to have something to do with, when it installs,
> it creates a sysconfig directory in /etc, and puts rtirq in that, rather
> than in /etc/default, which is where it should be. If Sid's util-linux
> installs on Lenny ok, I think I'll install rtirq, which will create an
> /etc/sysconfig directory, then make a symlink from /etc/default/rtirq
> pointing
> to /etc/sysconfig/rtirq, and see if that resolves the problem with rtirq I
> had on Etch, before I used chrt to change the priority of the soundcard to
> 90, which fixed the realtime problem on Etch.
> I know rtirq isn't running on Etch because sysv-rc-conf shows runlevels
> 2,3,4,and 5 unchecked, and trying to run /etc/init.d/rtirq status, just
> segfaults, as does /etc/init.d/rtirq start.
> I'll post back either way, as this may be usefull to someone wanting to get
> realtime working on Debian.
> Thanks for your help.
> Nigel.

Update as promised.

The Sid (unstable) version of util-linux installs ok on Lenny, and I now have 
chrt in /usr/bin.

The  problem with the rtrirq package that I got from the Musix repo not 
starting, is either down to a problem with the package, or it wasn't being 
installed correctly on Etch, and Lenny. I ended up with a start script for 
rtirq in /etc/init.d, and the same start script in /etc/sysconfig (the 
sysconfig directory had been created during the install of rtirq). I checked 
in my Fedora 7 install, and in /etc/sysconfig the rtirq config script is very 

From a link posted on the LAU list (see below) I downloaded a tarball for 
rtirq, unpacked it, deleted the start script from /etc/sysconfig, and pasted 
the correct config script that was in the tarball into /etc/sysconfig, and 
also renaming it, as it was named rtirq.conf, and the the start script is 
looking for rtirq in /etc/sysconfig.

Assuming you have one or two realtime kernels installed, the only other thing 
necessary is to edit /etc/security/limits.conf, and add the following lines.

@audio  - rtprio  99
@audio  - nice  -10
@audio  - memlock  4000000

These lines are for the sake of jack. Open qjackctl, then settings. check the 
realtime box, and set the realtime prio to 70.

A reboot with Lenny, starting jackd in qjackctl, and I'm now getting one xrun 
every 58 mins.

Problem solved, but it took a bit of time.


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