On Sat, Oct 27, 2007 at 03:24:28AM -0700, Michael M. wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-10-20 at 21:12 +0200, Florian Kulzer wrote:
> > As far as the fam vs. gamin problem is concerned,
> > aptitude figured out the correct course of action all by itself. It
> > proposed to ignore the recommendation of fam by these two packages and
> > to leave fam uninstalled, thus keeping gamin intact on your system, for
> > both XFCE and Gnome to use. All you had to do was to accept the proposed
> > solution.
> > 
> > Running aptitude --without-recommends sidestepped the problem, but now
> > you might be missing some Gnome features which are implemented by other
> > recommended packages.
> I found a few problems on my system (Lenny/testing) after I replaced fam
> with gamin:
> 1)  Menus in OO.org took many seconds to open -- at least 15, perhaps
> 20.  This was extremely irritating and made OO.org a pain to use.

do you perhaps have the openoffice.org-gnome package installed? that
integrates with GnomeVFS and other stuff. You may want to try adding
or removing that package to see if that makes a difference. 

> 2)  The GNOME trash applet no longer updated to show when there were
> items in the trash.  I could no longer empty the trash from the panel.
> Not such a big deal, but I typically have most windows on most desktops
> maximized so I don't usually make use of any icons on the desktop.  So I
> found it convenient to empty the trash from the panel.
> 3)  Nautilus was considerably slower to respond to any attempts to open
> a new window.  The problem wasn't as severe as the problem with OO.org
> Restoring fam and removing gamin put things back to normal. 

just out of curiosity, what other packages got pulled in/out as a
result of this? 

> But the
> reason I installed gamin in the first place is that exaile requires it,
> so in the end I decided to remove a lot of GNOME and am using Openbox
> instead.  OO.org works fine with gamin, as long as you aren't using it
> under GNOME.  If you use it under GNOME, it appears you need fam, or
> will face some major irritation.  I still use the GNOME panel, mainly
> because I love Tomboy and find a few other features of that panel
> appealing, but I no longer use the Trash applet nor the trash bin at
> all.  I'm no longer using Nautilus, though it is still installed.  I can
> get by pretty well with mc and the command line.
> So much for Linux "just working."  When they tell you Linux is "about
> choice," they often forget to mention that you'll find your choices
> restricted by packages and apps that do not play as well together as
> they are supposed to.  GNOME is a really nice DE, but I am sick and
> tired of my choices being restricted by using it.

I understand you are frustrated. FWIW, I found things "just work" much
better if you get out of the main DE's. They force lots of stuff on
you in order to set up their environments, but as a result the
possibilities of conflicting are much higher... 


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