On 9-Apr-08, at 11:12 PM, Amit Uttamchandani wrote:
Hey Everyone,

Inspired by the easy to use wiki syntax, I've been looking around for similar markups that allow for basic "rich text" output.

I actually use a wiki currently - tiddlyWiki - and I edit the text in it with Vim using the It's All Text plugin for Firefox. Since it's a one page portable wiki (no server required) it's completely cross platform - I can carry it around on a USB stick and edit it where ever I'm at. It's not a perfect solution, but it doesn't bug me so much I've replaced it yet.

If I was consistently using linux everywhere I think I'd take another look at Tomboy - it had the wiki-ish features I like built in. The syncing options were interesting too.

As far as a markup language - I believe Markdown was pretty close to wiki style too.


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