On 12-Apr-08, at 6:16 PM, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 08:54:40AM -0400, Brian McKee wrote:

On 9-Apr-08, at 11:12 PM, Amit Uttamchandani wrote:
Hey Everyone,

Inspired by the easy to use wiki syntax, I've been looking around
for similar markups that allow for basic "rich text" output.

I actually use a wiki currently -  tiddlyWiki - and I edit the text
in it with Vim using the It's All Text plugin for Firefox.
Since it's a one page portable wiki (no server required) it's
completely cross platform - I can carry it around on a USB stick and
edit it where ever I'm at.
It's not a perfect solution, but it doesn't bug me so much I've
replaced it yet.

Mixing code and data is not my preffered method.

It's not really -  Is a pdf file mixing data and code?  or latex?
Wiki syntax is less 'code' then those - and the raw data is still there as entered when you hit the edit button the next time.

I use it because I've come to rely pretty heavily on the easy linking to both internal and external data that wiki's provide.

Latex and AsciiDoc (I looked very quickly) have that 'compile as a separate step' process I find irritating. My output is in the format I need it in as soon as I hit the 'done' button, and still ready to be edited when I hit the 'edit' button. Granted, I don't have the wide range of output options provided by markup/compile cycle setups like Latex, but I don't need them....


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