On Saturday 19 April 2008 13:42, Richard Lyons wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 01:26:09PM +0100, Brad Rogers wrote:
> > On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 11:12:33 +0200
> >
> > Richard Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > about:plugins says I have flashplayer 7 and flashplayer 9.  In that
> >
> > It should also give a path to whichever library/other software is being
> > called.  Check about:plugins again and hopefully you'll be able to
> > track the v7 stuff down, and eliminate it.
> That was what I hoped, but this is all it gives:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Shockwave Flash
>     Nome file: libflashplayer.so
>     Shockwave Flash 7.0 r25
> Tipo MIME                     Descrizione         Estensione  Attivo
> application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash     swf         Sì
> application/futuresplash      FutureSplash Player spl         Sì
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Shockwave Flash
>     Nome file: libflashplayer.so
>     Shockwave Flash 9.0 r115
> Tipo MIME                     Descrizione          Estensione Attivo
> application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash      swf        Sì
> application/futuresplash      FutureSplash Player  spl        Sì
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> richard

Hi Richard. Type about:config, then scroll down to the line:

Double click on it, and it will switch from false to true. Now type 
about:plugins again, and you will see the full paths displayed.


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