Mike Bird wrote:
On Fri May 9 2008 09:30:43 Tenant wrote:
I've been lurking on the list for a while, but haven't posted before.
We're looking at upgrading our co-lo web server which is now running
Debian Sarge. Some people we know have suggested we take a look at
Ubuntu, which is based on Debian. Is there anywhere a balanced
overview of the pros and cons of using Debian or Ubuntu?  In the same
vein are there any views on just upgrading to Etch or jumping in with

I'd appreciate any URLs or your own thoughts. Thanks.

If Debian Stable runs on your hardware and provides the software
versions that you need then use it.  It is by far the best quality
and your colleagues on debian-users are much more likely than those
on ubuntu-users to give an accurate answer rather than a wild and
often inaccurate guess.  However Debian Stable releases are rare

Yes, I quite agree that Debian's mailing lists are very useful, full of knowledgeable people and quite good at giving accurate help as compared to Ubuntu lists.

In my experience, Ubuntu turns out to be more "friendly" and "gui rich" in workstations though --- as perceived by an average user.

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