>   Hello,
>     I just installed Debian KDE on my computer, however I am on wifi, and I
> cannot get the Nvidia drivers off of the internet.  Right now, I can boot
> into KDE, with the gui, but apart from that there are no icons, and
> everytime I left click, I get a teale colored menu box.  I know that I am
> doing something wrong, and would love help.  Any other information needed I
> am glad to supply.  Thank you in advanced.
> In our Lord Jesus Christ,
> Louie Cunningham
> It is for us to become holy here and now, for we cannot be certain whether
> we will be here this evening.
> - St. Maximillian Kolbe
> http://gogoodnews.net/cgi-bin/subscriptions/mail.cgi/list/blessings

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