Louis Cunningham wrote:
I'll try out vesa, and I have a ubuntu xorg.conf, but even when I put that in, it failed :\, i also don't have internet, so that puts anything but, well kde out of the picture for now, but i'll work on that later. so how can I go around using vesa? because nothing seems to working (that is other than my ubuntu os :))

Actually, you can take KDE out of the picture, but at the expense of being very minimalistic. Create a file in your home directory named ".xinitrc" and in it put the single line "xterm". Now, next time you run "startx", you'll get X with nothing more than a single xterm window. Typing "exit" in that window will shut down X.

Manually edit your xorg.conf file, adding the following change to the specified section:

Section "Device"
   Identifier    "Configured Video Device"
   Driver         "vesa"

Create the .xinitrc file, and then run "startx", and let us know what happens.

Kent West
Westing Peacefully - http://kentwest.blogspot.com

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