On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 01:41:53PM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> On 15 Jun 2008, Lee Glidewell wrote:
> > On Sunday 15 June 2008 01:27:14 am Anthony Campbell wrote:
> > > <snip>
> > > Wireless works with th old ipw3945 stuff but I have never managed to get
> > > iwlwifi to do anything, so I can't use a later kernel than 2.6.23,
> > 
> > Well, it Works For Me(tm). The procedure for getting iwlwifi up and running 
> > is 
> > slightly different from the older driver, but it definitely works (with a 
> > few 
> > known bugs, admittedly, such as poor LED indicator support). 
> > 
> > I would never choose a wifi chip other than Intel, so I want to say both 1) 
> > it 
> > shouldn't present compatibility problems, and 2) encourage anyone who's had 
> > such problems to post them here, along with what they've done, so that if 
> > these *are* serious problems, I can stop suggesting Intel wifi. Because 
> > otherwise, I plan to suggest that. 
> > 
> Yes, I know others have found it worked, and probably I have been doing
> something very silly. But I've followed all the docs as conscientiously
> as I can, without success. The Intellinux wireless org site says, in
> bold letters:
> NOTE: The iwlwifi driver is experimental and may not work for you. YMMV.
> I'll probably try again at some stage.

when did you last try? Mine still works, though it's definitely a
little buggy getting it to associate. I haven't upgraded the lappy in
a while though, so maybe it's better. Currently, to get it to
associate I have to run through the following hoops...

ifup wlan0 
# can't do anything without upping the thing

iwlist wlan0 scan 
# will perform a scan (can you get this part to work?)

iwconfig wlan0 essid <essid of choice>

and then various permutations of 

iwconfig wlan0 channel <chan #>
iwconfig wlan0 ap off
iwconfig wlan0 ap <MAC of desired ap>

all while watching 

tail -f /var/log/syslog 

in another terminal until I get the (paraphrased) message:

NETDEV: wlan0 comes ready

or something like that. 

I've tried to script this, but it just doesn't work reliably, which is
frustrating. It seems that the driver doesn't actually do what it
claims with regard to the 'ap off' command. It usually just tries to
associate with the last ap, even if that ap is 100 miles away. 

its frustrating, but does work. And once it comes up, it works great. 



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