On Sun, Jun 15, 2008 at 06:00:19PM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> On 15 Jun 2008, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:


> > ifup wlan0 
> > # can't do anything without upping the thing
> > 
> > iwlist wlan0 scan 
> > # will perform a scan (can you get this part to work?)
> > 
> > iwconfig wlan0 essid <essid of choice>
> > 
> > and then various permutations of 
> > 
> > iwconfig wlan0 channel <chan #>
> > iwconfig wlan0 ap off
> > iwconfig wlan0 ap <MAC of desired ap>
> > 
> > all while watching 
> > 
> > tail -f /var/log/syslog 
> > 
> > in another terminal until I get the (paraphrased) message:
> > 
> > NETDEV: wlan0 comes ready
> > 
> > or something like that. 
> > 
> > I've tried to script this, but it just doesn't work reliably, which is
> > frustrating. It seems that the driver doesn't actually do what it
> > claims with regard to the 'ap off' command. It usually just tries to
> > associate with the last ap, even if that ap is 100 miles away. 

> Is there really any point in doing all this? Using the old system on a
> 2.6.23 kernel the connection comes up immediately and works flawlessly.
> Apart from the fact that I can't use any later kernels there is no
> disadvantage. I think that the iwlwifi business has been forced on us
> prematurely for no obvious benefit. I know we are supposed to help find
> the bugs, but I think I'll wait until the thing works better before
> going down that route again.

well, that's certainly you're perogative. I was merely pointing out
the state it's in for me...


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