2008/6/21 Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> As long as California limo liberals make sure there are no
> offshore oil rigs, and Ted Kennedy prevents windmills off the coast
> of Martha's Vineyard, they don't *really* give a rat's arse about China.

Ron, I can't speak for California limo liberals, since I've never owned or
been inside a limo, but I can state categorically that a large number of
people of many political persuasions are concerned about the environmental
impact of manufacturing, regardless of where that manufacturing occurs.

Kenward, on that note: if you want to buy a laptop with a low environmental
impact, you could do worse than to look at the Greenpeace guide to greener
which rates all the major firms (Lenovo included) based upon the companies'
environmental policies and upon, in at least some cases, a chemical analysis
of their products.

I hope you are able to find an affordable laptop that lets you run the FOSS
software you want to run, has the physical properties you need for the usage
you intend, and is compatible with any political and environmental concerns
you may have. With such a large global laptop market, it should be possible.

Best regards,


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