On Sunday 22 June 2008 01:49:37 pm you wrote:
> On Sun June 22 2008, Damon L. Chesser wrote:
> > Paul,
> >
> > See this line: >
> >
> >  processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libswscale0_0.svn20080206-8_i386.deb
> >  (--unpack):
> >   trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libswscale.so.0.5.0', which is also in
> >  package libswscalecvs0
> >
> > That is your issue.  To fix it you either need to downgrade lib*cvs* as
> > Sven said or you could do apt-get -f install (after the failure above)
> > and it will give you the full path of the package trying to overwrite
> > libswcale.so.0.5.0. I think it is
> > /var/cache/apt/archives/libswscale0_0.svn20080206-8_i386.deb from the
> > above output. Then do (as root):
> >
> > dpkg -i --force-overwrite /path/to/something/.deb
> >
> > This does not fix anything, rather it allows *bad*, *poorly written*
> > packages to install.   In this case, debian mulitmedia knows about the
> > issue and clearly says what to do about it (remove the above line and it
> > will uninstall all multimedia packages).
> well, I had to remove vlc ( for the time being) then ran the install -f to
> fix things. NO I do not want to install bad, poorly-written software! at
> least I still have mplayer..
> but that's what you get when you run testing..  I'm not complaining ( much)
> just trying to figure out the easiest way to keep my system afloat..
> thanks for the help!!

Glad to do it.  In this case, it is NOT badly written packages, but rather a 
design choice of Debian Multimedia to go with a lib that is newer then stable 
or testing.  You will run into this error when you do dist-upgrades from one 
(say stable) to another (say new stable or testing).  I normally 
just --force-overwrite it.  I don't care if two packages have the same lib or 
not.  Of course issues MIGHT result if you remove one and it pulls that file 
out.  In that case, just re-install the other package, and problem gone.


Damon L. Chesser

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