On Sunday 22 June 2008 02:54:03 pm you wrote:
> On Sun June 22 2008, Damon L. Chesser wrote:
> > Glad to do it.  In this case, it is NOT badly written packages, but
> > rather a design choice of Debian Multimedia to go with a lib that is
> > newer then stable or testing.  You will run into this error when you do
> > dist-upgrades from one (say stable) to another (say new stable or
> > testing).  I normally just --force-overwrite it.  I don't care if two
> > packages have the same lib or not.  Of course issues MIGHT result if you
> > remove one and it pulls that file out.  In that case, just re-install the
> > other package, and problem gone.
> >
> > HTH
> ok, I'm not exactly sure what you are saying ( command syntax).. say, right
> now I really REALLY wanted to install vlc. to do that I would do:
> aptitude install --force-overwrite vlc
> is that it? then it would install the newer libs? I haven't done any
> dist-upgrades, just lenny.. or is that a dist-upgrade..

No, that is not it.  You tried to do an upgrade or a dist-upgrade and you got 
your original error.  If you read the link that Sven gave you:

http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ it explains why this condition exists.

IF ( <-- see "IF"?  :)  ) you run into an error that says "tried to write 
to /path/foo but it is owned by another" then you would use the "apt-get -f 
install" to find the exact path of the offending package, then use 
the "dpkg -i --force-overwrite /path/foo.deb" .  You ran into this in testing 
because, I *GUESS* something changed and the new packages or in conflict with 
Debian Multimedia.  Don't loose sleep over this.  IF you want to keep vlc AND 
you run into this, just do the dpkg --force option and it *should* work.  
See "dpkg --force-help" to understand what "force-option" does and all the 
horrible ways you can bork your box.

To install vlc, just do aptitude update; aptitude install vlc  

If that fails, then it will tell you why.  If it fails due to "dual ownership" 
you know know how to "force" it.

Does that answer your question?

Damon L. Chesser

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