Le lundi 28 juillet 2008, Ken Heard a écrit :
> I have two boxes, one normally used by user A, and the other by user
> B. I want to make it possible for user A to access his files from B's
> computer, and vice versa.
> So, in each computer I amended
> 1) file /etc/exports to export the relative directories and restarted
> nfs-kernel-server, and
> 2) amended file /etc/fstab to mount the the directories exported from
> the other computer in directores having the same name as the exported
> ones and ran mount -a.
> It is now possible for user A to log in on B's computer and see and
> use his files, but not the reverse: B cannot log in on A's computer
> and use his files.
> What I find strange is that the nfs settings on both computers are
> absolutely identical. Both computers use Etch.  The names and ids of
> both users are the same; they both belong to the same group which has
> identical name and id on both computers; and the permissions are the
> same "drwxrwx---".

Is it the permission of the directory you export ? And what about the 
rights of the file /etc/exports ?

> One computer is a P4; the other is a dual core.  The export from the
> P4 to the dual core works; but the export from the dual core to the
> P4 does not.  When I run mount -a on the P4 the following is returned
> for each directory to be mounted:
> failed, reason given by server:  Permission denied

Maybe a strace on the mount command will show something. Else please 
provide ls -al outputs of /etc/exports and the directory exported and 
directory where it is mounted.

> After careful and extended experimentation I can't figure out why the
> dual core cannot export.  I no one can provide me advice to point to
> why, perhaps I should file a bug report.
> Ken Heard


Thomas Preud'homme

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