some thoughts inline

On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:13:28PM -0400, Ken Heard wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> In response to my message of 2008-07-28 on this subject M. Preud'homme
> rightly intimated that I should have provided more information so that
> he (and others?) could help me.  So, here is the information he asked me
> for, as well as the output of the "strace mount -a" command.


> Other factors which may have a bearing on the situation:  the BDS
> computer is a P4; whereas the SOL is a dual core on a Foxconn
> motherboard.  Several other things do not work properly in SOL, such as
>  mounting and unmounting CF cards; so I wonder if there is something
> wrong with the Foxconn BIOS.  There has been some noise on line recently
> about Foxconn's unfriendliness to Linux; for on Foxconn board model (not
> mine) somebody disected the BIOS and found out why.  When he raised the
> issue with Foxconn they were upset at being found out but did not care
> whether Linux worked with Foxconn boards or not.  Caveat emptor.

I would be rather supprised if a boggy bios stopped nfs mounting, as long
as ping and other ip was working okay

> There are also other differences which I should not think contribute to
> the problem.  In SOL only the /home directories and files are encrypted.
>  SOL uses the XFS file system; BDS has ext3.
> I apologize for the length of this message, but it was necessary to
> provide the requested information.  I hope it will be worthwhile.
> Regards, Ken Heard, Toronto, Canada
> -


have you looked at /etc/hosts.allow and deny. check out
/var/log/auth.log and daemon.log.

Usually the only permissioning  problems are

access to the path I think full path access is need ie for an export of
/home/alex/test I would need access to /home and /home/alex and

Another thing I do when trying to diagnose this is tcpdump, turn off all
the other mounts and start up tcpdump to capture the packets between the
servers. (u could also use wireshark or tshark)

Also have a look from each server to the other server with showmounts -e

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Washington, DC
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