2009/1/10 Ron Johnson <ron.l.john...@cox.net>

> On 01/09/09 16:38, Chris S wrote:
>> Hello everyone genius type people,
>> Can you help, I don't know much about computers (in comparison to you
>> guys)
>> and nearly zero about linux/debian, however after my friend had a rather
>> fatal problem with windows recently I decided to try Debian and I love it.
>> So I installed the lastest stable version, etch, and have very nearly got
>> a
>> system with the same functionality as the old windows system however I
>> simply cannot seem to get u tube videos to play correctly., under windows
>> they ran perfectlly but now the video is very 'jerky'. I am unsure about
>> the
>> further details you require and so instead of guessing could you let me
>> know
>> what you need (and maybe how to find it) I will send you the details. I
>> have
>> googled myself to near insanity but cannot find anything that directly
>> helps. My apologies if I'm not being clear or doing something wrong.
> So, you're using a Riva TNT2/64 card.  God, but that's ancient!
> I recommend that you:
> a) replace that ancient card with an trailing edge card.  Something in the
> GeForce 7xxx range,
> b) completely change your sources.list to the attached file,
> c) upgrade to Lenny,
> d) install the binary Flash driver from adobe-flashplugin.
> Remember that since Debian is totally foreign to you, there will be
> problems.  Find a local LUG (Linux Users Group), and attach yourself to them
> at the hip.  Many will gladly come to your house and help in exchange for a
> 6-pack of beer.
> If Debian is still too daunting and you need something a little less
> daunting, you might want to wipe Debian and use a more noob-friendly distro
> until you get more expert with Linux.  That's what I had to do, many years
> ago.
> --
> Ron Johnson, Jr.
> Jefferson LA  USA
> "I am not surprised, for we live long and are celebrated poopers."
> deb ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/debian lenny main contrib non-free
> deb http://security.debian.org lenny/updates main contrib non-free
> deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org lenny main
--' So, you're using a Riva TNT2/64 card.  God, but that's ancient!'
Yeah smile I know but it was a free PC my mate got given I COULD update the
card but I know it must be capable of running ok as it worked just fine with
the 'Other' OS

---' b) completely change your sources.list to the attached file,
c) upgrade to Lenny,
d) install the binary Flash driver from adobe-flashplugin.'
Well a few have said this but at least one has said upgrading may not be
requried, I have no problem doing this if this is required.

---'Remember that since Debian is totally foreign to you, there will be
problems.  Find a local LUG (Linux Users Group), and attach yourself to them
at the hip.  Many will gladly come to your house and help in exchange for a
6-pack of beer.'
I'll google this idea and fill up the fridge

---'If Debian is still too daunting and you need something a little less
daunting, you might want to wipe Debian and use a more noob-friendly distro
until you get more expert with Linux.  That's what I had to do, many years
WELL, I will promise to leave you guy's alone if needed but I'm loving
playing aroung with it seeing who it works, I not giving up, if i can just
get this last bit working my mate won't complain and I can spend the next
year 'playing with alll the lovely commands etc.


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