Dotan Cohen wrote: 

> 2009/1/13 JoeHill <>:
> >
> > I'm used to ~/bin being automatically picked up in my path, so therefore I
> > am absolutely clueless as to how to add it. Also, considering the potential
> > consequences to my system, I would rather not do it the wrong way ;)
> >
> > This was what came up on a search, is this correct?
> >
> > export PATH =$PATH:/new/path/to/add
> >  
> Yes, so for you it would be:
> export PATH =$PATH:/bin

The funny thing is, I already have this in my .bash_profile:

 # set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then

> Note that I personally prefer .bin to bin as then I do not have to see
> it in my file manager!


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