Thanks for your prompt and helpful reply, Ron.

I have been looking at DSL this evening and it may be a good option, but not if it, too, hangs up in the middle of loading without any error messages. I've downloaded the relevant versiona nd plan to try it later this week. The Floppy Disks fail error occurs when booting Windows 98, but afterwards, the floppy drives will read and write normally. There is a 5-1/4" amd a 3-1/2" drive, also a CD-RW and a CD-ROM, plus a 1GB SCSI drive, also an external SparQ drive. The SCSI card also runs an HP scanner. The system connects directly to a Netgear Wireless N router, thence to cable Internet service. The motherboard firmware was updated before the original Linux install to allow adding the second HDD. There is a 10Gb HDD (C) and a 20Gb HDD partitioned into three logical drives D, E and F. The older Debian system added a LILO boot partition, the Linux OS partition, and a Linux data partition all below the C Windows partition. I may need to repartition the drive with Partition Commander 10 (with its own Linux version) since I can't use the FDISK that came on the Linux floppy boot diskette. Corel Customer support pointed me to several kowledgebase articles, but of course support for the product is long gone (the disks were dated 1999, but I don't recall the version number.) None of these has anything applicable to the installation issue I'm having.

Error message? None, the installation simply hung. In the bottom right of the screen is a "spinning disk" graphic that stopped spinning about 30 seconds into the third part of the installation, Detecting Hardware.

Martin Willcocks
Taylorsville, UT, USA.

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