On Mon,12.Jan.09, 14:50:48, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> I used to be able to ssh to my desktop, then.. I couldn't ( sounds like my 
> K3B 
> issue:).
> I noticed someone else with a message about iptables, and I basically copied 
> his script:
> # iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 22 -i eth0 -j ACCEPT
> except changed it to my ssh port 22. Now I can ssh back to my box again.
> What would reset my iptables, did we have some updates with would put in a 
> vanilla config file somewhere?? is there an iptables .conf ( or whatever) 
> file, I didn't see one in the man pages, though I didn't look REAL hard at 
> all 297 pages...

I know this is old, but...

AFAICT iptables has no config at all on Debian (dpkg -L shows no files 
in /etc). The only suspect would be some of the frontends. I would look 
into the reverse dependencies of iptables (a.k.a the packages depending 
on iptables). Try this:

aptitude search '?installed ?depends(iptables)'

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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