Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> In <gqg8ru$>, H.S. wrote:
>> I have a large data tar file of 4.4 GB. I have made it available over
>> https to be downloaded by the recipient. This is on a Debian Sid, 2.6.26
>> kernel and the partition is ext3.
>> When the remote user clicks on that download link, his browser is
>> showing the file size to be only around 130 MB. The client is a Windows
>> XP machine where the drive is NTFS formatted.
>> I am not well versed with apache server. Have it somehow hit a limit set
>> in the https server? If not what gives?
> It's probably not a problem with the Apache server.  Instead, it is probably 
> an issue with the Windows client.  The size reported by the Apache server is 
> probably overflowing a 32-bit unsigned integer.  I'm pretty sure the NTFS 
> supports 4.4G files, but that doesn't mean that every client (or server) is 
> prepared to see a size that large.
> Could you post the results of an HTTP HEAD request for the file?  I'm 
> particularly interested in what Apache is sending as the value of the 
> Content-Length header.  If you don't have another tool in mind for this, 
> wget should be able to show you these headers.
> If the Content-Length is correct, it is a problem client-side.  If the 
> Content-Length is incorrect, it is a problem server-side.

I gave it a shot myself with my own machine using Iceape browser and I
also see the size as around 132 MB. I am trying from a Debian Testing
machine (ext3 partition).

Here is the request I see if I try using wget:
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 138256384 (132M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: `datafile.tar'

18% [==================>               ] 25,657,344  11.1M/s              ^C

So something is messed with the server. How do I go about checking what?



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