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Original Message Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 00:08:29 -0400
RE: Re: seeks input and new blood   [See Original Message 

You misunderstand me.  Hearing people say that they would rather contribute to
another source, esp one where they may have an email address, doesn't rial me at
all.  Why would it?   That would mean that I took personally these little 
in front of me; black, on a white background.  

Moreover, my comment that you refer to was directed at one person.  I don't 
know how
that could have been misconstrued.

This list is not exclusive to developers.  Many people read it.  Sure, I'd love 
dev or 2, and I clearly asked, to contribute to the site.  Why wouldn't I?  
But, I'd
be just as happy, and I think the community the site serves would be as well, if
anyone would give up a couple hours of their life to "donate" to the site.

I never, nor do I now, expect this, though.  That would make me arrogant to a 
that even I couldn't stand ;)  The site is my gift, so to speak, and why in the
world would I demand some sort of return gift?  lol, gifts don't work that way.

So, maybe I wasn't as clear as I could have been with my OP.  The site seeks
contributions.  It's not a lame site, it doesn't give bad information, although
sometimes spelling mistakes occur!  It's a site that sometimes shows or gives a
person that thing that may have been missing for them.  Maybe.  Or, like 
maybe it prompted that person to think about a thing differently.  Or, and this 
the best that I could ever hope for -- maybe it simply made that person relax a
little bit.  You know, maybe even smile.

I think the site NEEDS contributions from other people.  In the past I have been
castigated by a reader or 2 if I wrote something contrary to what they were
expecting.  I make no apologies, the site is "character driven" for a reason.
(characters do evolve, however ;) )

This means that when this visitor was reading the site, (s)he was doing so with 
hopeful heart and whatever concept or smartass quip I wrote hit them hard.  
of course, means that this visitor thought
the site authoritative enough to have faith
in it.  

The site NEEDS contributions from
other than me for this reason alone.  I feel
a strong sense of responsibility and know
absolutely that I can't live up to that by
continuing to go it alone.  Do you

Frankly, I'm sick of talking about it.  I asked.  If one or 3 or even 19 people
contact me because of it -- WOOHOO!!!!  Then, the community will benefit.  If 
no --
WOOHOO!!! I asked and I accomplished what I wanted to do.   

As a closing thought I would also like to mention that I am overjoyed that other
sites exist that "document" Debian or Linux or other open source projects.  
because we are all different - we say things differently, our cultures command 
us to
behave in unique ways.  It's terribly important to have different voices
contributing similar things because one source - no matter how brilliant - will 
to reach all but those that can relate to how that one source puts it out there.
And that would be too bad.

Thank everybody for having something to say about this and everyone that 
emailed me
off the list.  The community I belong to is wicked! ;)

Happy Computing


----------------------------------------- On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 00:08:29
-0400 wrote:

>On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 07:43:55AM -0400, machiner wrote:
>> I thought I asked you a question.
>There's no reason to be rude. All we're saying is that instead of
>running your own site, why not contribute to a pre-existing site? I'm
>personally hoping that one day I can say that Debian's Wiki trumps
>Gentoo or FreeBSD's documentation.

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