Again on X resolutions, recently dist-upgraded unstable on amd64. Are
there any X gurus out there?

- Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 6150 (C51PV chipset) on an Asus
M2NPV-VM, having max 1920x1440 (@75Hz) on VGA[1].
- Monitor: Asus VW222U, max 1680x1050[2].
- Driver: nv.

# xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 640x480, current 1280x1024, maximum 1280x1024

Last time i groaned about this i couldn't find documentation on nv's
supported resolutions. Also, i'm using DVI-D, not VGA (the mb has
both), and i'm not sure about what type or frequency does it
support[3]. I'd assume DVI would be better/support higher resolutions
than VGA too...

gtf is for VESA, i'd assume it's VGA-compatible? I'm not an acronym
fan... Using gtf 1680 1050 75 gave me:
  # 1680x1050 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 82.20 kHz; pclk: 188.07 MHz
  Modeline "1680x1050_75.00"  188.07  1680 1800 1984 2288  1050 1051
1054 1096  -HSync +Vsync

This is what i'd put somewhere in xorg.conf, right? I've tried running
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg: it backs up the current xorg.conf[4] i
had edited manually and replaces it with this new minimanistic and
automagical one-section config:

# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"

Then gives me back the prompt. No questions asked. The manual one
included 1680x1050 (and a mouse tweak[5] i'll most likely need again)
but X never got there: it just refuses default modes[5] that aren't
even in xorg.conf and sticks to 1280x1024.

The Big Plan is to eventually use the nvidia driver (for compiz) but
i'd like to have a fully (i.e. to the fullest) funcional nv to
fallback to - or maybe just run different X configurations according
to my whim (or runlevel). XP does support 1680x1050 but i barely use
it (and will get rid of it soon) and it looks ugly, can't quite place

Do any of you have any suggestions? Constructive criticism? Good RTFM
links? Nice coffee?

Nuno Magalhães

[5] the mouse cursor vanishes:

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