Am Mon, 22 Jun 2009 02:11:59 -0700
schrieb "Todd A. Jacobs" <>:

> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 11:58:22AM +0800, ?...@k4 wrote:
> > I'm looking for a pure c/c++ programmed desktop manager, while the
> > xorg is depandent on perl, so i do not like it, is there any
> > graphics system which depands only on c/c++ to replace x window
> > system? thanks
> Perl is now included in the LSB, so there's nothing really wrong with
> a perl dependency. However, if you don't want, you might want to
> look at TinyX or VNC instead.

Great idea :-) The VNC client would then run on which OS? Maybe
windows, at least it doesn't depend on python or perl ;-)

There is a purpose for nearly every programming language. The kernel is
written in C (parts in assembly) for a reason (close to hardware,
performance, etc). In userspace the priorities are a little different.
Sometimes readability and maintainability are more important than
performance, especially in interactive programs (it's completely
irrelevant if the reaction time is 0.1 sec faster in a C program if the
program is 99% waiting for user input). Video encoders have different
performance constraints than mail clients, etc. That's the reason why
many programming languages and paradigms exist and why they fit a
specific purpose.

As "junior-programmer" the OP will have to accept that or at least
learn to live with it.


PS: Maybe I'm not in a very good position to understand the OPs needs
because I think it's rather useless to compile OO.o for three hours to
make it run 1-3% faster as many Gentoo-users do.

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