On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Norbert Zeh<n...@cs.dal.ca> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 10:22:36AM +0800, 明覺 wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 11:41 PM, Douglas A. Tutty<dtu...@vianet.ca> wrote:
>> > On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 11:58:22AM +0800, 明覺 wrote:
>> >> I'm looking for a pure c/c++ programmed desktop manager, while the
>> >> xorg is depandent on perl, so i do not like it, is there any graphics
>> >> system which depands only on c/c++ to replace x window system? thanks
>> >
>> > I think that you'll find that you need to start writing things from
>> > scratch yourself.  Since debian requires perl (e.g for debconf), you'll
>> > be better off with NetBSD.  Then, write a program in C that looks at
>> > every non-binary file to see if what language its in.
>> >
>> > Can you tolerate shell scripts?  If not, you'll have to write a C-based
>> > initscript.  This may be easier on BSD since it doesn't use SysVinit.
>> >
>> > Take away the ideological furvor.  It would be an excellent learning
>> > experience to rewrite, from scratch, everything in NetBSD that is not C.
>> > It would be very hard with Debian since every time you update, you'll
>> > have to do it all over again.
>> thanks, I got a better choice, the assembly language programmed OS -
>> MikeOS, I prefer assembly to C/C++.
> So, to summarize some of your earlier posts: you want to recreate an
> entire OS in C/C++ or preferably assembly, including a replication of
> GUI functionality such as the one provided by X11-based desktop systems,
> and you'll probably want to do this alone because you won't accept help
> from somebody who says that languages that have built-in garbage
> collection, powerful string processing facilities, and ways to express
> high-level concepts more succinctly than C/C++ may be the better tool
> for some (major) parts of the job.  Well, I happily expect the release
> of its first beta by 2050, by which time most of us will have spent our
> lives making *meaningful* contributions in our jobs (apart from other
> even more enjoyable things).
> Your statement that One Microsoft Way would be okay if it was free
> software just underlines that you don't understand what many posters
> before have been trying to tell you.  There are different tools for
> different jobs.  Some of my colleagues love Windows and everything else
> that comes from M$.  I hate it an love Linux because the latter gives me
> more choice in the tools I use and allows me to be more productive.  (Of
> course, there's the whole stability thing and the idealism of free
> software, too ;) .)  Are my colleagues right?  Am I right?  The answer is:
> both.  They chose Windows because it works for them, I chose linux
> because it works for me.  The goal is productivity and using your time
> wisely.
> I know you've claimed before that all programming languages you learned
> so far do the same thing.  So I feel I need to put some effort into
> preventing you from springing this one on me.  At a low level, you are
> right.  They all somehow translate into native machine code.  But that's
> the only degree to which your statement is correct.  Does C have garbage
> collection?  Does it have regular expressions built into the language?
> Does it allow you to pass unnamed code blocks as function arguments such
> as Ruby?  Does it support Common Lisp's notion of a closure?  Does it
> support partial function application as in Haskell?  The answer to all
> these questions is no.  Is there something you can do in these languages
> that you can't do in C?  No - exactly because C and many other languages
> are Turing-complete.  However, many things are much easier to express,
> in a fraction of the lines of code, in higher-level languages than in
> C/C++.  And that saves time.
> On that happy note, I won't waste more time on this and can only hope
> that you'll wake up before you waste your entire life.
> -N
> --
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thanks for your advice! But I have decided to spend my life to develop
a "one programming language system", that's my ideal.

Microsoft.Windows.(Vista|XP).(QQ|Game|Notepad++) Gcc.Gtkmm.Opengl

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