On Sun,19.Jul.09, 08:11:21, Paul E Condon wrote:
> I have no objection to the status of hal as a required part of a
> standard desktop installation, but I do have a question as to how best
> to deal with a peculiar situation.
> I have several USB hard drives (ones with rotating machinery inside,
> not solid state 'disks'). From time to time I need to perform format
> maintenance on one of them. In order to do this, I look in /dev to see
> what device name has been assigned to the drive, umount it, and do
> whatever - e2fsck, tune2fs, etc. But when I'm finish doing
> maintenance, how to I remount it without pulling the USB cable,
> waiting a while, and reinserting the cable? Is there a console command
> that I can type that avoids the extra wear on the fragile little
> connectors and plugs? I'm looking for something that retriggers the
> look-up of volume label and the creation of a mount-point in /media as
> was there before I started mucking about.

This thread seems interesting


(the first hit when I googled: hal redetect devices)

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(Albert Einstein)

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