On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 02:26:11PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 13:20:07 -0700
> Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Indention isn't magically lost and you're speaking of copies.  The problem
> in all those cases lays in the transport or in the person who doesn't know
> what he is doing, not the code.  2+ years of working with Python and your
> scenerio has come up exactly 0 times in my experience.

So you don't copy from example web-pages and so on when trying to learn
about a new feature, area and so on. I do that aloot and thats is the
biggest problem with Python. The other parts of the languange however
sometimes for some works make this a minor problem that I can live with.
As I can live with a some of the problems in Perl, C, C++, Java, bla.
and so on. No languange are perfect, not even Python, many have problems
with the witespace in languanges that use them, thats is a fact.

/ Balp
      o_   Anders Arnholm,               HiQ - Consultant
 o/  /\    [EMAIL PROTECTED]             Phone  : +46-703-160969
/|_, \\    http://anders.arnholm.nu/     http://www.hiq.se

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