Ron Johnson wrote:

On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 22:15, Jacob Anawalt wrote:


I had only posted this because the full message had a complaint about it taking hours to debug C code because of the inconsistancy in indentation/placement of braces. My solution for that has been $ indent <horribly indented code>.c.

And then when you check the file back into cvs, it grinds away at a whole-file differential...

The solution, though, is an Organizational Standard that must be

And I'm fine with that. The origional complaint was that the coder didn't follow a standard so it was hard to debug the code. I ran indent to get it to a standard and committed it back to CVS that way.

I agree that it is good to have a shared coding standard within a group. Even if one isn't settled or if that programmer who cant make his mind up on how he indents things is balking at CVS as well, I'm not going to push them over the edge complaining about the extra cpu cycles and lines in the file that the CVS server is having to process and store because they commit poorly formatted code.

Hey, maybe they will learn to use the style I'm indenting to since they don't have a set religious coding standard preference (other than maybe anarchy) and they get nicely formatted code on the next cvs update. The worst thing I can think of is some petty arguments and spitefull coding when they get the code back in an organized fashion, but unless I'm the one to start the snide remarks, most times they also appreciate getting back better-organized code than they started with.


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